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News > Alumni Spotlight
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Pedro Lucas

A vibrant international culture, which I deeply cherish More...

João Stilwell Zilhão

A truly special place to learn and grow More...

Mariana [Contreras] Passos

"The experience was truly incredible." More...

Giulia de Oliveira Camargo

"St. Julian’s was the place that felt most like home." More...

Sara Martins de Oliveira

"St. Julian's has shaped my entire life" More...

Simon Colbert

"St. Julians was great fun. I met many lovely people, and the teachers were great." More...

Bárbara de Carvalho

"We felt safe and that there was interest in our necessities" More...

João Cruz Ferreira

"It was so good that I would love to go back and relive everything" More...

Ana Paganini

“My time at St Julian's continues to guide me.” More...

Isabella Goldsbrough

"At St Julian's, I felt I could always be me and was genuinely accepted for my personality." More...

Sara Ferro Ribeiro

“I felt like St Julian's was this big part of my life. An extension of my family and my home.” More...

Rodrigo Barros Rodrigues

"The idea of nurturing relationships is what I keep the most from St Julian's." More...

Ed Garcez

"One of the things that St. Julian's did was to make everyone feel valued." More...

Joana Pelicano Santos

“A special place for someone curious to learn, grow, and thrive.” More...

“St Julian's allows students to think big. That there is a chance, they can make a difference.” More...

Shamez Ladhani

“The environment of St Julian's was incredibly supportive and got the best out of the students.” More...

Natascha Adams

"St Julian's is such an international environment, but it definitely fosters a strong community." More...

João Matias

"The teachers were genuinely interested in what they were teaching" More...

Den Chuang

“I gained amazing tools at St Julian's. Everything made sense, and everything fitted together.” More...

Teresa Amaral Cabral

“St Julian's was amazing because it had an amazing school spirit.” More...

Vasco Croft

“The school was beautiful, inside and outside, and there was a sense of structure and community and cultural diversity.” More...

Miguel Costa Matos

"It's incredible how the staff went above and beyond to get us to love to learn." More...

Maria Ana Bobone

"I think SJS was crucial in giving me the experience of the stage and not being afraid to perform in public." More...

Charlotte Ross

"We had such a diversity of backgrounds, interests and experiences that there was always someone interested in something you were also interested in." More...

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